Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Xi Phi Omega Chapter
President Angrid Myles
Xi Phi Omega Chapter Officers & Committee Chairs
Chapter Officers
Angrid Myles - President
Traci Royster - Vice President
Assistant Treasurer - Julia Armstrong
Assistant Secretary - La'Ronda Whiteside
Phyllis Johnson - Recording Secretary
Katrina Patterson - Finance Secretary
Felicia Setzer - Assistant Financial Secretary
Charlene Haraway - Treasurer
Traci Royster - Hostess
Patricia Smith - Keeper of the Door
Mary Young - Historian
Mary Young - Chaplain
Audrey Lane - Webmaster
Tiffany Lathan - Graduate Advisor - App State University
Standing Committees
Budget - Charlene Haraway - Chair
Standards - Clarissa Young & Rhea Jones
Nominating - Audrey Lane - Chair
EAF - Maria Brown - Chair
Graduate Advisory - Tiffany Lathan - Chair
Ivy Leaf - Donna Propst - Chair
Membership - Felicia Culbreath Setzer - Chair
ByLaws - Diana Wilson - Chair
Scholarship - Mary Young - Chair
Sisterly Relations - Katrina Patterson - Chair
Technology - Audrey Lane - Chair
Programs - Traci Royster - Chair
Ad-Hoc Committees
Pink Ice Ball - Detra Williams - Chair
Pink Tea Rose - Ann Chestnut - Chair
Denim & White - Felicia Setzer - Chair
Music - Patricia Smith - Chair
Social - Traci Royster - Chair